How to Reach a Fitness Goal

Black man in athletic wear performing a rope toss exercise in a city parking lot on a sunset evening

Reaching any goal is hard work. How you start sets the momentum for either success or frustration. So we put together 4 tips to help you start on the right track and reach a fitness goal.

1. Have a plan

Would you start a road trip without setting the GPS? And to set the GPS you need an address. Your fitness goals work the same way. You first need a clear and concise goal on what you're trying to change or achieve, and then have a plan on how to get there. From workouts and meals to ideas for navigating the desert table at holiday parties, think about the journey ahead and what is needed to travel smoothly. Having a plan will help you stay on track, identify roadblocks, and chart how close or far you are to your final destination.


Need help? We have workout and nutrition plans, coaching, and more to make this journey a little easier.


2. Be Prepared

Make sure you're prepared for the journey by gathering the equipment, resources, and primary things you need based on the path you choose to take. Are you working out at home or at a gym? Do you need a gym membership or at-home workout equipment? Are you food prepping? Do you have enough containers? What about a lunchbox? Getting prepared is like packing for your trip. Having what you need before you set out will help you stick with your plans so you don't turn back.


Need Help? We have product reviews, meal prep ideas, and more.


3. Educate Yourself

Knowledge is the key to unlocking the next level of our lives, no matter what it is. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle and reach a fitness goal, understanding what you need to do and why will give you the power to make it happen. Educate yourself on the different types of workouts. Learn what proper nutrition looks like. Get an understanding of how to build muscle or burn body fat. Even learning proper exercise form can produce better results. So gather your resources to gain an understanding and feel confident that what you do will produce the results you want.


Need Help? We offer FREE lessons on YouTube and our blog, along with workshops and courses to teach you what you need to know!


4. Commit!

Changing your body takes time, effort, and consistency. Many are looking for "get fit quick" solutions and ways to make drastic changes with minimal work. Unfortunately, those popular sales tactics get people to buy specific products but rarely produce lasting results. The truth is, it may take 4-6 months of consistent, proper work to begin seeing your body change. And most people who achieve their goals admit it took longer than initially expected. Primarily because we often have the wrong expectations in the first place.

If you want to cut down the time as much as possible, you need commitment. When you stick to your plans you waste less time with periods of low motivation that cause most people to stop and start again in unproductive cycles. So commit to your plans. Find accountability, and work hard towards changes that will last.


Need Help? We offer 1x1 coaching to help you stay on track and help guide you when you lose your way.


Reaching a fitness goal is a journey. Use these 4 tips to up your advantage and reach your destination with as few detours as possible.


To help you get started we created a checklist of helpful equipment, supplements, accessories, and more in the Get Fit Checklist. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for tips and resources and get the list for FREE!


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